Videos tagged with Jonathan Baert Wiener

  • The International Law Society and the Environmental Law Society will host a panel discussion on the outcome of the 2009 U.N. Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. Professor Salzman and Professor Wiener are joined by Jonas Monast from the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions.

    Recorded on March 15, 2010.

  • The Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law hosted a symposium on the global impact of the local management of environmental resources. By looking at the property-related aspects of international environmental law, the Symposium explored development concerns and the impact of resource management systems on national economies.

    Recorded on January 30, 2009.

    Panel titled: Greenhouse Gases Emissions.

  • Many expect that Congress will soon implement a national regime to reduce greenhouse gases. Our panelists will present innovative legislative options to address global warming, and assess political constraints on the enactment of these measures.

    Recorded on November 16, 2007.

    Panel titled: New Legislative Approaches.

    Conference title: A Charged Atmosphere: The Future of U.S. Policy On Global Warming (DELPF Symposium 6th (2007))

  • Discussion regarding the reality of climate change, and how our legislature is beginning to reflect that.

    Recorded on November 14, 2007.

    Full title: Legislative Approaches to Global Warming: Practical Solutions for a Changing Climate.

    Appearing: Speakers: Professor Jonathan Wiener and Tim Profeta '97 and current director of the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions.

  • In 1999, the city of New London, Connecticut started developing plans for its run-down Fort Trumbull neighborhood adjacent to its glistening new Pfizer research facility. While many were excited by the plans for a mixed-use development that would hopefully resurrect this economically disadvantaged city, others were upset by the plans which called for forcibly removing those residents who lived there. One home owner in particular -- Susette Kelo -- refused to move and led the fight to save her neighborhood. Her struggles eventually led to the Supreme Court.

  • Do current environmental regulations stifle energy industry innovation? Restrict output in energy markets? Does the current regulatory regime strike the right balance for the energy industry? Featuring: -Panel 2: "Emerging Energy Issues" with Jonathan Wiener, Suedeen G. Kelly, Christopher Schroeder, R. Dobie Langenkamp

    Recorded on November 19, 2004.

    Panel titled: Emerging Energy Issues.

    Conference title: Environmental Regulation, Energy, & Market Entry (DELPF Symposium (2004))

  • A panel of experts from government, NGO and business discuss their perspective on the design of greenhouse gas trading systems.

    Sponsored by the Duke Center for Environmental Solutions, Duke's Center on Global Change, and the Nicholas School of the Environment's Energy & Environment Program.

    Moderated by Jonathan Wiener. Speakers: Peter Zapfel, Timothy Profeta, Bruce Brain, and Joseph Goffman.

    Recorded on November 16, 2004.

    Full title: Can Markets Protect the Climate?: Prospects for Greenhouse Gas Trading in Europe & the US.

  • Lois Schiffer, Partner at Baach Robinson & Lewis, PLLC, and formerly Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division at the U.S.